GPD: Man arrested for armed robbery told investigators he wanted to go back to prison

GULFPORT, Miss. (WLOX) - The Gulfport Police Department has reported the arrest of 67-year-old Michael John Polotnik for armed robbery. The incident occurred around 10 a.m. on Friday morning when officers responded to reports of a robbery on the 9300 block of Highway 49.
Witnesses stated that Polotnik entered a local business and handed a note declaring his intention to rob the establishment, claiming to be armed. When the employees did not comply with his demands, he took back the note and fled the scene.
Following the incident, Polotnik was apprehended by police. During questioning, he revealed that he had recently been released from prison and expressed a desire to return, indicating that he intended to rob another business if he was not caught.
Polotnik has since been processed and is currently being held at the Harrison County Adult Detention Center, with bond set.
The police encourage anyone with additional information regarding the incident to reach out to the Gulfport Police Department at 228-868-5959 or to contact Crime Stoppers at 877-787-5898.