Pap test
The Pap test, also known as the Pap smear, is a medical screening procedure used to detect abnormal cells in the cervix. It involves the collection of cells from the cervix and their examination under a microscope for any signs of cervical cancer or pre-cancerous conditions.
It involves the collection of cells from the cervix and their examination under a microscope for any signs of cervical cancer or pre-cancerous conditions. The test was originally developed by Dr. Georgios Papanikolaou in the 1920s and has since become a crucial tool in women's healthcare. Regular Pap tests can help identify potential cervical abnormalities early on, allowing for timely intervention and treatment. The procedure is typically recommended for women starting from the age of 21, and the frequency of testing may vary depending on individual risk factors. While the Pap test has significantly reduced cervical cancer rates and mortality worldwide, advances in testing techniques such as liquid-based cytology and human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing have further improved its accuracy and reliability. The Pap test remains a fundamental component of women's healthcare and is recommended as part of routine gynecological examinations.
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